The Office of Racial Equity and Community Inclusion (ORECI) compiles information to help CVOEO New American clients know and access the resources available to them. New Americans can call the ORECI Hotline at 802 860 1417 X117 and leave a message in their primary language when prompted. Our Community Ambassadors will call clients back and help them navigate CVOEO services (housing, utility assistance, financial and credit management, food, education, transportation services, and more). The resource section also provides information about services offered outside of CVOEO that Community Ambassadors can help them with.

The Financial Futures Resource guide
Please click the link to access information on several services available at CVOEO and other agencies.

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
The Affordable Connectivity Program is a benefit that helps ensure that households can afford home and/or phone internet services they can use for school, health care, and personal purposes. To learn more about this service, the eligibility criteria, and to apply for this service, please check the following link:

For language assistance, please access the translated flyers or call the Community Ambassadors at the phone number indicated on the flyer. You can also call Shiferaw at 802 860 1417 X117.

Public health information
The Vermont Language Justice Project helps individuals with language access need the ability to make informed decisions about their health and those of their families. The group provides information on various topics to community members in Vermont's 17 most spoken languages using videos and audio files. Please explore the links below:


Virginie Diambou, Program Director
802-862-2771 X734

Shiferaw Gemeda, Associate Director
802-860-1417 X117