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Vermont Tenants Rights & Resources

About Vermont Tenants
Vermont Tenants services are provided by the Housing Advocacy team and available to renters anywhere in Vermont.
- Contact the Hotline with questions about your rights and responsibilities, habitability issues, and other concerns. Our skilled advocates provide consultations, referrals, and navigation services. (802) 864-0099 or vttenants@cvoeo.org
- Take a Workshop to learn more about tenant rights and responsibilities, leases, security deposits, repairs, health code violations, terminations, evictions, fair housing and disability law, and tools and tips for finding housing, getting ready to rent, and sustaining the rent.
- View Video Recordings of the Tenant Skills and Finding Housing workshops in Arabic, English, French, Nepali, Spanish, and Swahili.
- Find more Information in the resources below about residential rental housing laws, codes and code enforcement, and tenants rights and responsibilities. Select "Information for Renters" for detailed information by topic and sample letters.
Flooding Resources
Vermont landlords and tenants, read The Definitive Guide to Renting in Vermont, produced in partnership with the Vermont Landlord Association and the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development.
Translated versions available in Arabic, Burmese, French, Nepali, Pashto, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese.

Tenants, learn about your rights in a fun way with the Illustrated Guide to Vermont Renter's Rights:

View video recordings of the Tenant Skills and Finding Housing workshops in American Sign Language, Arabic, Burmese, English, French, Nepali, Spanish, Somali, and Swahili.

Our schedule of all upcoming classes (including Tenant Skills) can now be found on our Renter's Workshop page. Workshops are offered as 60-90 minute webinars or as fully self-paced, online classes, and can be taken in any order. Click here Renter's Workshops and scroll down to view available classes.
Please call 802-660-3455 x 205 with any questions, for help registering for a class, or to schedule an interpreted workshop. We look forward to seeing you in class soon!
All classes are free and open to the community.
PLEASE NOTE: Most live workshops are offered as webinars. To attend a webinar with a video connection you will need a computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection. You will be able to see the instructor's visual presentation and engage in dialogue with class participants. There will also be a dial-in option for those with phone access only.
This is a service for renters who are facing housing instability due to issues with their current tenancy and/or conflicts with their landlords.
- Support and follow-up services for housing stability planning, tenant education, and financial coaching.
- Facilitation of landlord/tenant communication and positive relationship building.
- Referrals and application assistance for VSHA Eviction Prevention Program (rental arrears), Community Action Financial Assistance & Housing Navigation, Legal Services Vermont/Vermont Legal Aid, and Vermont Landlord Association’s free Landlord/Tenant Mediation Program.
For more information or to schedule a consultation for yourself or a client, email hsrs-referrals@cvoeo.org
Check out our Information for renters page to find resources on key topics and sample letters.
Other CVOEO services
- Preferred Renter Certificate Program (formerly known as Rent Right)
- Mobile Home Program
- Fair Housing Project
- Vermont Tenants Informational Videos
- Burlington Renter Resources (PDF)
- VT Landlord Tenant Statutes: link to the state statutes online.
- VT Rental Housing Health Code (PDF): relevant state statutes.
- Vermont Rental Housing Code: a website with relevant laws and codes organized by topic.
- Lead in Rental Housing
- See if your town has its own rental housing codes
- List of VT Town Health Offices: look here for a list of Town Health Officers who can perform inspections and check for violations of the housing health code.
- Legal Services Vermont: provides free legal consultation, advice, and community education for low income Vermonters.
- Vermont Law Help: online civil law resource center operated by Vermont Legal Aid.
- Directory of Affordable Rental Housing: updated regularly, statewide.
- The Survivor's Guide to Burlington: a list of resources for homeless and low-income people in Burlington compiled by COTS (2020).
- AALV: case managers assist and connect new Americans in a wide variety of areas, including housing.
Check out our YouTube playlist for Vermont Tenants Videos.
Contact us
- Hotline: (802) 864-0099
Select 1 for structural damage, fire, flood, no heat or no water; select 2 for other questions
Weekdays 9am-5pm
Email: vttenants@cvoeo.org
- Educational services: (802) 660-3455 ext. 205
Email: classcoord@cvoeo.org
Renters Workshops
Interpreted Videos
Key topics
Click on the links below for important resources for renters.