Personal Finance Resources & Coaching
We offer small classes and one-on-one coaching to help you track your spending, budget effectively, save money, pay down debt, build credit, and reach financial goals. Improve your financial management skills with the Growing Money Program!
Spend SMART 1 & 2 (2 sessions): A practical introduction on how to manage your money. If you experience regular financial stress, you struggle to save, or you want to feel more organized financially, this class is for you. This is not your typical money management class: the focus will be on you as an individual and what your personal money goals are.
Keys to Credit (1 session): Credit can be established and improved in a variety of ways and we want to help you get ahead of the game. Learn the basics and get smart about the important and often confusing world of credit.
Creating a Financial Future (2 sessions): Learn how to create long term savings and take a beginning look at investing. If you have basic money management under control and want to take charge of your finances for the future, this class is for you. To begin building wealth over a lifetime, this class is a great first step.
Visit our class registration page to view the class schedule and register for classes!
To view recordings of past presentations and browse a multitude of topics, please visit the CVOEO YouTube channel.
Do you need Arabic, Swahili, MaiMai, Somali, French, Nepali, or Spanish workshops or interpretation? Contact the Office of Racial Equity and Community Inclusion at (802) 860-1417 x 117.
Want to push yourself even further in reaching your goals? Meet with one of our financial coaches after you complete the classes to focus on your specific goals, habits, skills, and resources. Everyone can reach financial goals, but we all reach out goals in unique ways. Meet with a coach to find your way forward.
All services are free to those who meet our income eligibility qualifications (must make less than number indicated on chart for your household size to qualify for free services). See the chart below for program specific requirements:
The Financial and Energy Coaching Initiative is 3-year state wide program for integrating energy and financial coaching for low and moderate income Vermonters. This program, funded through the State of Vermont’s Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) supports 5 full time Financial and Energy Coaches employed at each of the 5 statewide Community Action Agencies who work directly with income eligible Vermonters to increase financial wellbeing and self-sufficiency around credit building, debt reduction, saving strategies, and budgeting, using a combination of web-based measurement tools, 1:1 counseling/coaching, and group classroom training. As part of the coaching process, coaches engage clients in a discussion about personal energy use as it impacts their budgets--from thermal energy and utility consumption to transportation choices. Based on these discussions, coaches provide direction to the client on tax credits, purchasing incentives, rebates, and other money saving opportunities that help the client reduce their reliance on fossil fuel technologies and make appropriate referrals to partner organizations who can guide them on their next steps. For more information about the Financial and Energy Coaching Initiative, contact Jen Myers, at
We would like to thank the Department of Financial Regulation for their support of the Growing Money!