Renters Workshops

CVOEO's free Renters Workshops provide participants the skills, materials, and confidence necessary to find and maintain stable housing. Workshops are offered as 60-90 minute webinars and as fully self-paced, online classes, and can be taken in any order - take one class or the full series!

Participants who complete all three workshops (Tenant Skills, Finding Housing, and Sustaining the Rent) and attend a one-on-one financial coaching session receive a Preferred Renter Certificate. This certificate shows a landlord that the applicant or current tenant is invested in being a successful renter, knowledgeable about resources, and connected to service providers, such as a financial coach. 

Experienced teaching teams from CVOEO’s Vermont Tenants and Financial Futures programs collaborate to offer the following free workshops and coaching experiences. Select the workshop blocks below to register for each session.

If you have questions, need help registering, or would like to schedule an interpreted workshop, please email or call 802-660-3455, ext. 205.

CVOEO staff are available to answer questions and provide follow-up coaching on tenant issues via our Tenant Hotline at 802-864-0099.

View video recordings of the Tenant Skills and Finding Housing workshops in Arabic, English, French, Nepali, Spanish, and Swahili.

Interpreted Videos

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Community Engagement for Municipal Decision Making

Emily Heymann, Senior Planner of Williston, will be sharing tools for effective community engagement in municipal decisions, and strategies for addressing citizen concerns. This workshop is open to everyone and will be recorded. Register in advance.

Housing Committee Drop In

Monthly drop-in conversations for Housing Committee members to share resources, successes, and challenges. This month's conversation will focus on WORKSHOPS & RESOURCES housing committees would like to see in the new year.

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